Frequently Asked Questions

How many units are required to finish a Degree Program in the OU?
A student must finish at least 37/40 units to finish a degree in the OU.

Course Breakdown

MAJOR: 10 units
CORE: 18/15/12 units

TOTAL: 37/40 units
What is the maximum residency requirement (MRR) in finishing a degree program in OU?
3 years + 2 years extension=5 years maximum residency requirement
* A refresher course of 3 units will be required if the degree program was not completed in the 5 years MRR.
What are the academic requirements in the OU?
Completion of all academic units
-Passing the Comprehensive Examination
-Passing the Proposal Defense
-Passing the Final Defense
-Submission of a bound Thesis Manuscript/Implemented Project
What is Re-admission?
This is accomplished through a form by students who stopped enrolling for at least 1- school year (2 semesters and a midyear term) and did not file for leave of absence (LOA).

Re-admission is a process where the student needs to re-activate his/her name in the roster of OU students. By doing this he/she will be allowed to enroll again, continue his/her studies, avail of services and comply with all his/her requirements.
What is Leave of Absence (LOA)?
Leave of Absence (LOA) is filed by a student who intends (for some reason) not to enroll for 1 school year (2 semesters and a midyear term). By filling a LOA, the student’s name will still be active in the list of OU students. Thus, he can still process necessary requirements (completion of grades, avail of services, etc.) from the OU. Note, however that the LOA is counted in the 5-year MRR.