
About us

The Benguet State University-Open University (BSU-OU) was established in fulfillment of a specific provision embodied in the 1987 constitution of the Republic of the Philippines; and other applicable laws.

• Article XIV (Education): to make quality education at all levels accessible to all Filipinos and to develop “non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems as well as self-learning/independent and out-of-school study programs particularly those that respond to community needs.”

• R. A. No. 7722 known as the “Higher Education of 1994” Section 2 Declaration of Policy: “The State shall protect, foster and promote the right of all citizens to affordable quality education at all levels, shall take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be accessible to all….”, and “the state shall likewise promote the continuing intellectual growth, the advancement of learning and research, development of responsible and effective leadership, education of high and middle-level professionals and the enrichment of cultural heritage.” 

• R. A. No. 10650 known as the “Open Distance Learning Act” Section 2 Declaration of Policy: It is hereby declared the policy of the State to expand and further democratize access to quality tertiary education through the promotion and application of open learning as a philosophy of access to educational services, and the use of distance education as an appropriate, efficient and effective system of delivering quality higher and technical educational services in the country.

History of Open University

With the above constitutional mandate, The Open University System in State Universities and Colleges was operationalized. The vision of the leadership of Benguet State University and the support of former Speaker Jose de Venecia propelled the launching of the Open University Program. This was formalized through the University Board Resolution No. 798 s. 1997.

Benguet State University – Open University (BSUOU) is a support mechanism to augment the delivery of Education for All (EFA). It is a distance education mode of alternative action designed to provide opportunities to the masses to pursue their desired education at their own capacity to learn and the capability to earn a quality life.

Through the Open University System, arrangements are made to enable people to learn at the time, place, and pace which satisfy their circumstances and requirements. The emphasis is on opening up opportunities by becoming barriers that have often prevented people from gaining access to the training they need. 

The Open University System provides courses’ flexibility suggesting a learner-centered philosophy giving students the optimum degree of control over their learning with a fair chance of success.


Socially and professionally excellent human resource developer.


Provide advanced quality life-long education for all through open and distance learning interventions.


• To offer through open and distance learning degree and non-degree programs that are responsive to the needs of learners and the society of which they are a part;

• To develop a system of continuing education to sustain professional growth and promote lifelong learning;

• To develop and adapt delivery systems appropriate to distance learners;

• To provide leadership in the development of open and distance education expertise;

• To make instructional packages accessible to all public through collaboration, institutional agreements, and other appropriate mechanisms.

The Director
Open University
Benguet State University
Km. 5, Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet 2601 PH
(+63) 915-152-8703